I made it to Aix-en-Provence. My train left Nice this morning at 8:37. I switched trains in Marseille and arrived in Aix at 12:30pm. I paid the minimum 7 euro for a taxi to my hotel, only to find out it was only three blocks away-oh well. You live and you learn.
It's really beautiful here. My hotel is situated on the perfect street with little shops and cafes everywhere. I walked around for a few hours taking pictures of everything. I went in search of the Cathedrale St-Sauveur, but couldn't find it. I'm going to go looking again soon. I also went to the Natural History Museum, they had an exhibit on dinosaurs.
I ate lunch at a cool "cafe" called Simple Food. It's all healthy sandwiches and salads. I got an egg-salad sandwich and a bowl of fruit. Delicious. Tomorrow there's a big outdoor market that I can't wait to see, hopefully I can find it; streets in France are so confusing, everything winding this way and that...
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009

I cannot describe how beautiful it is here, or how lucky I am to be spending my summer on the beach in the south of France. I arrived yesterday morning at about 9am. I couldn't check into my hotel so I walked down to the beach (about 15 blocks). The water is blue and clear, the sun is shining and cute boys are EVERYWHERE. Wow, I have it rough. ;)
I spent all day at the beach yesterday and today and am planning to make day trips tomorrow and the next few days to close cities, Cannes, Monaco etc... I'm getting really tan, but of course by the time I return home, my tan will be gone...maybe I should just stay here. When on the beach, "vendors" walk around with big coolers offering drinks and snacks. They just shout out in a bunch of different languages what they have to offer. It's actually pretty cool, although I have yet to buy anything from them. One guy was walking around with a tray of pre-cut watermelon, is that safe???
I switched from a one-piece to a bikini today, who knows maybe tomorrow I'll go topless and fit in like a local?! Or maybe not.... we'll see. Shelly says I have to, just to say I have. I almost did today, but then a whole family sat right next to me and I chickened out. I kept thinking of the little kids as Rourke and Vaugn-they would die if I went topless. But while in France, you have to be like the French. Tomorrow, definitely tomorrow (this is my go topless pep-talk).
Well I'll be sure to write more from wherever I am tomorrow. Thank you SOOOO much Dad and Shelly and Grandma and Grandpa for making this happen. I LOVE it here and am having the time of my life.
xoxoxo Soleil
Sorry I haven't written in a while, my Internet wasn't working for a few days. My last few days in Paris were really fun, I spent all my time with my friends eating crepes and seeing all the last-minute sights. My very last night we went to the top of the Eiffel Tower-it was so gorgeous. On our way back to the dorms, we met four VERY cute guards and took pictures. I fell in love immediately.
Next I took a train to Bordeaux where I met up with Marcel and his wife Nathalie. They were So wonderful and welcoming to me. I wish I could have stayed longer. My first day, Nathalie packed a picnic lunch and we drove to the beach. TOPLESS women everywhere and all the guys wear speedos; something to get used to. The beach was wonderful, nice weather, and we had a really yummy picnic of "salad" (tuna, rice, tomatoes, pickles eggs) and bread. I'm told this is a very french thing to do-pack your picnic and eat at the beach. Isn't it an American thing too?
The second day, Nathalie's daughter Ann-Laure and her boyfriend David took me to downtown Bordeaux. We walked everywhere and I took pictures of everything, being the good tourist that I am. We bought sandwiches and ate on a park bench (also very french). For dinner, Marcel made a special vegetarian couscous just for me, it was so good!
My third and last day in Bordeaux, Marcel took me to St. Emillion. It's a very small but VERY beautiful wine town about an hour outside of Bordeaux. We walked all through the town and got lunch at a cute cafe, owned by Marcel's friend. I got a "Maillot de Legumes", a basket of vegetables with a creamy ranch-type sauce to dip. Marcel gave me his creme-brulee. YUM!
Later in the evening I went to their friend's house for aperitif, before dinner drinks and socializing. At 9pm Marcel drove me to the train station to catch my train to Nice...
I had such a great time staying with them and hope I can return as soon as possible!
Au Revoir! Soleil
Sorry I haven't written in a while, my Internet wasn't working for a few days. My last few days in Paris were really fun, I spent all my time with my friends eating crepes and seeing all the last-minute sights. My very last night we went to the top of the Eiffel Tower-it was so gorgeous. On our way back to the dorms, we met four VERY cute guards and took pictures. I fell in love immediately.
Next I took a train to Bordeaux where I met up with Marcel and his wife Nathalie. They were So wonderful and welcoming to me. I wish I could have stayed longer. My first day, Nathalie packed a picnic lunch and we drove to the beach. TOPLESS women everywhere and all the guys wear speedos; something to get used to. The beach was wonderful, nice weather, and we had a really yummy picnic of "salad" (tuna, rice, tomatoes, pickles eggs) and bread. I'm told this is a very french thing to do-pack your picnic and eat at the beach. Isn't it an American thing too?
The second day, Nathalie's daughter Ann-Laure and her boyfriend David took me to downtown Bordeaux. We walked everywhere and I took pictures of everything, being the good tourist that I am. We bought sandwiches and ate on a park bench (also very french). For dinner, Marcel made a special vegetarian couscous just for me, it was so good!
My third and last day in Bordeaux, Marcel took me to St. Emillion. It's a very small but VERY beautiful wine town about an hour outside of Bordeaux. We walked all through the town and got lunch at a cute cafe, owned by Marcel's friend. I got a "Maillot de Legumes", a basket of vegetables with a creamy ranch-type sauce to dip. Marcel gave me his creme-brulee. YUM!
Later in the evening I went to their friend's house for aperitif, before dinner drinks and socializing. At 9pm Marcel drove me to the train station to catch my train to Nice...
I had such a great time staying with them and hope I can return as soon as possible!
Au Revoir! Soleil
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Catacombs
I've been so busy that I haven't been able to write much. And I'm sleepy now (it's 12am) so this will be a short one...sorry...
Today I went to the catacombs-creepy. So many bones down there, and it was gross because it was raining outside, and the rain water drips through the "ceiling" onto your head. I stepped in a huge puddle of water, nasty catacomb water.
Tomorrow I'm going on a day trip to Pierrfonds to see a chateau. We went to two chateaus last weekend, so at this point they all look the same... But I'm excited nonetheless. And Sunday morning, bright and early, I leave for Bordeaux! I can't wait to see the south of France and Italy. And I can't wait to eat pasta and pizza every day!
I'll write more when in Bordeaux.. Miss everyone back home so much!!!
xoxo Soleil

I've been so busy that I haven't been able to write much. And I'm sleepy now (it's 12am) so this will be a short one...sorry...
Today I went to the catacombs-creepy. So many bones down there, and it was gross because it was raining outside, and the rain water drips through the "ceiling" onto your head. I stepped in a huge puddle of water, nasty catacomb water.
Tomorrow I'm going on a day trip to Pierrfonds to see a chateau. We went to two chateaus last weekend, so at this point they all look the same... But I'm excited nonetheless. And Sunday morning, bright and early, I leave for Bordeaux! I can't wait to see the south of France and Italy. And I can't wait to eat pasta and pizza every day!
I'll write more when in Bordeaux.. Miss everyone back home so much!!!
xoxo Soleil

Friday, July 17, 2009
17 Juillet 2009
Weird weather last night-it was over 90 degrees all day, and then the nuns kept saying there was a tempest coming. No offense to Mother Superior, but after a 90 degree day, I was not believing her...and then all of a sudden, lighting, raining cats and dogs, and of all things, HUGE hail coming through my window! Never second guess Mother Superior! I definitely appreciate the weather change though, I'm not sure how many more days of hot I can handle.
Henri-Edmond Cross (LOVE)
Isn't it gorgeous!
Tomorrow I think we're going to head to Versailles and Sunday is a group day trip to Fontanebleu. This trip is so much fun and such a great experience. It forcing me to be a LOT more independent than I'm used to, but all the nerves in the world are worth it.
xoxo Soleil
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Bastille Day!!
GREAT news, I'm going to extend my trip for two more weeks and travel to the south of France and Italy! I'm so excited! Thank you Grandma for all her hard work making this possible, Grandpa for his frequent flyer miles, and Dad and Shelly for letting me stay and paying... :) I can't wait to explore!
Ok, so Bastille day here is pretty crazy. We went out the night before to go to the firehouse dances-tradition here is that firehouses all over town close down and host dances, but we waited in line for over an hour and were still about 4 blocks away, so we ended up going home. It was still a really fun night though because everyone got dressed up, which I love.
There was a parade on the Champs Elysees yesterday morning, but I won't lie, I slept in and enjoyed some much-needed sleep. I did go to the firework show at the Eiffel Tower last night though. There were literally millions of people there! The firework show was definitely the best I've ever seen. They were setting them off directly off the Tower. I couldn't believe it. See for yourself....
Does it get much better than this?
Why don't we have fireworks like this for the 4th of July?
GREAT news, I'm going to extend my trip for two more weeks and travel to the south of France and Italy! I'm so excited! Thank you Grandma for all her hard work making this possible, Grandpa for his frequent flyer miles, and Dad and Shelly for letting me stay and paying... :) I can't wait to explore!
Ok, so Bastille day here is pretty crazy. We went out the night before to go to the firehouse dances-tradition here is that firehouses all over town close down and host dances, but we waited in line for over an hour and were still about 4 blocks away, so we ended up going home. It was still a really fun night though because everyone got dressed up, which I love.
There was a parade on the Champs Elysees yesterday morning, but I won't lie, I slept in and enjoyed some much-needed sleep. I did go to the firework show at the Eiffel Tower last night though. There were literally millions of people there! The firework show was definitely the best I've ever seen. They were setting them off directly off the Tower. I couldn't believe it. See for yourself....
Monday, July 13, 2009
I just got back last night from a weekend trip to Alsace and Colmar. It was 7 hours away by bus, but so worth the drive. We stayed in the town of Colmar and made day trips to Ribeauville and Riquewihr. Each town we visited was so quaint and picture-perfect. We went to a textile factory and I bought some really awesome fabric to make pillows (hint hint Grandma)..

I also went to a bunch of museums etc last week:

We also went to the Louvre and had a guided tour which was really informative and interesting. I'm having the best time here and don't want to go home, sorry Dad and Shelly! I wish I could stay in Europe for the rest of the summer... Tonight there are celebrations all around the city because tomorrow is Bastille day. Firehouses close down and sponsor dances, so I think that's where our group is headed tonight. Tomorrow all the shops close down and there is a huge parade on the Champs Elysees. It's also the celebration of the 120th anniversary of the Eiffel Tower, so fireworks will be set off the Tower at 11:30 tomorrow night. Unfortunately the metro closes for security, so wherever we go, we walk...
xoxo Soleil
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
7 Juillet 2009

Today was such a fun day. We had a free afternoon from the tour and a group of us went to Montmarte to see the Sacre Coeur. We got off the metro near the Moulin Rouge so we all took pictures and got lunch. We ate at a fast food type place called Quick, essentially a French McDonald's. American food!
The Sacre Coeur is so beautiful. For 5 euro we walked 300 steps up to the top tower of the church. (They should pay us to walk that far!) I thought I was in pretty good shape until today:) The view was definitely worth it though, so incredible. It was really cold and it started raining on our way up..maybe not the best day to go, but oh well.

Riding the Funicular down the mountain with Alex

View from the steps of the Sacre Coeur-Jocelyn, Jeff, Ashley, Me, Leo

Can you see the Eiffel Tower in the background?
There are street performers everywhere in Montmarte. We took the Funicular down from the top of the church; at the bottom, I got a "friendship" bracelet from one of the vendors-you stick out your finger and they make the bracelet right there. They try to charge you a lot, but I got mine for just 1 euro. Bargain shopper!
After Montmarte, I went to Ile Saint Louis with Leo. We were looking for an ice cream shop, but the one he wanted to go to was closed on Tuesdays. Zut! (French for shoot) So instead we got tea at a small cafe. It was such a coincidence because 5 years ago when I came to Paris with my grandma, we went to the same cafe and I recognized the waiter today-he was the same one who served us so long ago! I have a picture back home of him posing with Grandma. I need to take another with him while I am here to add to my photo album. Ile Saint Louis was very beautiful-Leo said it was a posh-y area in Paris. There were cute little boutiques and cafes lining the streets.
There are so many things I want to do while I'm here, a month just doesn't seem like enough time to fit it all in. My dad said I better not be sitting on the couch in France, because I can sit on the couch in California for free. Such a dad thing to say:)
Au Revoir,
Monday, July 6, 2009
6 Juillet 2009
Hi everyone! 

Here is my first blog, let's see how it goes...
Today was a LONG day, I woke up early at went to class at the Instituit Catholique, right down the street from my dorm. After class I went to the Boulangerie with Jocelyn and we got "pizza" french style. It was ok, but I'll be honest, I miss American food!
We had a group tour of the Saint Chappelle church. It was so beautiful, too hard to describe. I took some pictures, but film doesn't do it justice. After, we walked across the river and saw Notre Dame. There was a really long line to get inside, but while in Paris... The cathedral was amazing, although I did forget to take pictures in the garden, so I am planning to go back another day.

Jocelyn and I walked along the Seine to shop from the vendors. I bought some really pretty Mucha art prints and a few touristy presents for friends:) We walked for almost 2 hours non-stop and I was wearing the worst shoes-so uncomfortable. My feet are covered in blisters and I feel like I got a full-body workout. Our brilliant plan was to walk from Notre Dame to the Eiffel Tower (much farther than I though, mind you) and then take the elevator to the top level and take pictures while watching the sunset. However, by the time we got near, we were so hungry and tired that we stopped for dinner first.
Dinner was yummy. Salad and a cheese plate with LOTS of bread. There really is something different about the bread here, so much better. Since our feet were dying, we sat in the cafe for about an hour and a half. Finally-we walked to the Eiffel Tower and guess what? Brilliant plan=not so brilliant after all; the top level of the Eiffel Tower was closed! :( Oh well. We got Nutella crepes and came home.
I am having a great time here and miss everyone back home! Wish you were all here to enjoy this with me!
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